A Donkatsu Delight in Gangnam: Ojeje donkatsu restaurant in Seoul

The Tenderloin Donkatsu is incredibly tender and lean
The Tenderloin Donkatsu
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Location and Details
First Impressions
The Food
The Conclusion

#Introduction of A Donkatsu Delight in Gangnam

Hello, fellow food adventurers! It’s your culinary guide, FlavorFrontierMarshal, back with another hidden gem in the heart of Seoul, South Korea. Today, we’re exploring the world of crispy, tender donkatsu at Ojeje, a popular restaurant located near Gangnam Station.

Ojeje donkatsu in gangnam seoul
Ojeje donkatsu in gangnam title

#location-details of Ojeje in Gangnam

Address: 2F, 358, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Operating Hours: 11:00 AM – 9:00 PM daily
Parking: Available in front of the restaurant, but limited

Just a minute’s walk from Exit 4 of Gangnam Station, Ojeje is conveniently located in the same vicinity as our last visit to Cheong Ki Wa.
Link : https://okiroo.com/a-hidden-gem-in-gangnam-seoul-cheong-ki-wa-bbq/ 

The building housing Ojeje is a two-story commercial complex filled with delicious eateries, with offices, including Samsung’s Korean headquarters, occupying the floors above.

Ojeje donkatsu in gangnam inside

#first-impressions of Ojeje in Gangnam

The area is frequented by office workers from various companies, making it a popular spot for business meals.

Despite the often long wait times and the need to pre-order before entering, the restaurant’s unique cave-like interior and the promise of mouth-watering donkatsu make the wait worthwhile.

Ojeje donkatsu  3

# the-food-jar-udong-tenderloin-donkatsu-sirloin-donkatsu

Ojeje’s signature dishes include Tenderloin Donkatsu (16,000 KRW), Special Sirloin Donkatsu (16,000 KRW), and Jar Udon (10,000 KRW), all of which come highly recommended.

The Jar Udon, made with matcha noodles, offers a delightfully chewy and springy texture. Paired with a tsuyu sauce featuring green onions and radish, it’s a refreshing palate cleanser.

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The Tenderloin Donkatsu is crazy

The Tenderloin Donkatsu is incredibly tender and lean, with a soft, light coating that melts in your mouth.

While there’s a separate sauce provided, the staff suggests trying it first with truffle salt for a unique flavor experience.

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The Sirloin Donkatsu is amazing

The Sirloin Donkatsu, on the other hand, offers a steak-like texture with a bit more fat, making it rich and savory. If you’re a fan of fattier cuts, this might be more to your liking.

The salad comes with a delicious yuzu dressing, and the shrimp tempura is particularly memorable.

The tempura has a crispy exterior, while the shrimp inside is as soft as ice cream, creating a delightful contrast in textures.

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Ojeje donkatsu

#the-conclusion of Ojeje

Despite the long wait, Ojeje proves to be a donkatsu destination worth the patience.

It’s a top-tier restaurant that leaves no room for regret, making it a must-visit for any foodie exploring Seoul. Happy eating, everyone!


For more information about Ojeje in Gangnam



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